Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Outstanding October Behavior!

Boy, do I have a lot of updating to do! Sorry for the lack of updates lately. Between Halloween, teacher work days, NAEYC preparations, and just life in general, I've been a bit behind! However, I know there are 7 little girls that might move my pin to red if I forget to do this one, so without further ado....





A proud bunch!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Author's Chair

Here are the pictures I promised the other day from our Author's Chair activity. It's so much fun to watch them share what they've written. Being an author is serious business!


More pictures to come, when my internet isn't so slow. =)

Practicing Sight Words

The kindergartners used play-doh to practice their sight words last week. They worked really hard to form the letters just right.


Monday, October 8, 2012


Do you know what really bugs me? When I want to update my blog but I leave my camera at school! I took some great pictures of the kids doing "Author's Chair" today--where they shared what they wrote in their reading journals related to our shared reading story "Fun Fish". Hopefully I'll get to upload those pictures tomorrow. One of my many favorite parts of being a teacher is watching the children grow as writers. I think we may have a few future authors in our midst! I can't wait to be one of the ones that gets to say "I knew them when..."

I hope everyone is enjoying this cool Autumn weather!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

We Love Fall!

This week, we started a project unit using the theme "We Love Fall!". One of the first things we discussed was the changing leaves that can be seen in the fall. After discussing this and why it happens, we made artwork showing a tree and how it would look in all of the four seasons. Here are a few examples of student work.

We also made a chart of our ideas about fall. The kindergartners used their sentences to make and illustrate a page for a book about Fall. The first graders used theirs as a topic for a paragraph about fall. Here are a few pictures of our friends reading their sentences to the class. They really love having the opportunity to choose their own pointers to use for print tracking!



More Show and Tell

I love it when the students bring in interesting things to share with the class! It's great to see them teacher their friends and give "presentations". After Thomas shared the bark last week, I think he started a trend. Keep those show and tell items coming!

Thomas with a feather from a red-tailed hawk.

Tyler sharing his turkey feathers.

"Be gentle, Morgan"
Hannah and her family found a pretty cool bird's nest!

Check out the eggs! One was already hatched. The other was intact, but never hatched.

"You have to use gloves because eggs can have germs."

Monday, October 1, 2012

Testing, Testing!

Just a little test to see who's checking out our blog. If you're reading this, send me an e-mail at to tell me about your family's favorite thing to do in the fall.
Ready, set, GO!

Two Birthday Girls!

Happy 5th Birthday, Mykaela! (A day late)

Happy 6th Birthday, Molly-Breeze!