Monday, December 3, 2012

Testing the Strength of Magnets

As part of our study of Magnetism, we conducted an experiment to test the strength of three different kinds of magnets that we have in our classroom--a horseshoe magnet, a wand magnet, and a toy magnet. First, we  made our predictions, and decided we thought the wand magnet would be the strongest and the horseshoe magnet would be the weakest.

Molly-Breeze testing the strength of the wand magnet.

Lea testing the horseshoe magnet.
Elena rechecking the wand magnet.

Recording our results, like good scientists do.

Nolan pausing for a picture before testing the toy magnet.
Morgan tested the toy magnet as well.

Filling in our results sheets sure looks like fun!
PS: Our predictions were spot on! The wand magnet WAS the strongest, and the horseshoe magnet WAS the weakest! Great job, scientists!

November Behavior Awards

Congratulations to the following students who won Behavior Awards for the Month of November!