Monday, August 22, 2011

This Week's Newsletter

Legacy Academy Multiage News

*A Note from the Teacher*
I want to take an opportunity to extend my welcome to all of the new students and parents, as well as to say “welcome back!” to my returning students! We’ve been working very hard behind the scenes all summer (and even before!) to make sure that this is an exciting year filled with new opportunities for learning. I hope everyone had a fantastic summer and is ready to “soar into a new year”! While we’ll be getting used to the new class and a new routine, we will also jump headlong into learning. I am so excited about a brand new year!
This newsletter will be exceptionally long. Whenever we begin a new science, history, or math unit, I’d like to send home all of the objectives beforehand. Since it’s the first week of school, we’re beginning three units at a time!
If you haven’t already done so, please take the opportunity to become a follower of our class blog, where you will find many pictures and updates about the “inner-workings” of our class. The web address is I hope to update it as often as possible! Also, if you need to reach me, e-mail is the best way. I receive emails to my phone and can usually respond within a timely manner. My school email address is . I hope everyone has a fantastic first week!

*What We’re Learning*
Note: All concepts will be introduced to the group as a whole. However, concepts in italics are concepts that first graders will be expected to master. Kindergarten students will be taught as though mastery is expected. (In a nutshell, they don’t know they’re not supposed to know it. )

Math: This week in math, we will be beginning Unit 1: Numbers to 12 (Part 1). The objectives for this unit are as follows:
• Apply one-to-one correspondence
• Read and write numerals and number words* to 12.
• Count, compare, and order whole numbers to 12.
• Identify one more than and one less than a given number.
• Identify even and odd numbers.
• Identify ordinal positions first through tenth.
• Identify and extend number patterns.
• Solve Problems using specific strategies.
This week, we will be focusing on writing numbers and number words 1-5, one more and one fewer, and working with a pictograph.

Shared Reading: This week, we will begin getting used to the Shared Reading process with different stories throughout the week. Each story will be based on the theme “All About Me!”. We will read the given story and complete a “response activity” in our reading journals. We will start working with decodable readers this week as well. Our first story is called “See!”. We will review the sight words see and the.

Phonics Focus/Working with Words: This week, we will go over all letters and their individual sounds in order for me to assess incoming students and to review with returning students.
Science: This week in Science, we will begin Unit 1: Acting Like a Scientist. The objectives for this unit are as follows:
• Recognize that objects have properties such as length, mass, volume, and temperature and that we use standard units to measure these properties.
• Measure objects using non-standard units.
• Use a metric ruler, a double-pan balance, a graduated cylinder, and a thermometer to measure length, mass, volume, and temperature.
• Classify objects and arrange them according to attributes or properties.
• Recognize that when scientists gather information they need an organized way of recording it.
• Record and compile data in a table, draw a bar graph using data from a table, and interpret results from the bar graph.
• Identify that scientists use a scientific process to perform investigations.
• Use the scientific process to make predictions, record results, and draw conclusions.
This week, we will be focusing on measuring using non-standard units, measuring length in centimeters, using a balance to measure using grams, using a graduated cylinder to measure using milliliters (learning that mL stands for millileters), and comparing masses of objects and capacities of containers.
History: This week, we will begin Unit 1: Getting Around this Great Big World. The objectives for this unit are as follows:
• Identify continents, oceans, and climatic zones.
• Define history as the story of the human past.
• Recognize archeology as the study of the objects of the past.
This week we will focus on defining continents as the biggest pieces of land on Earth, stating that there are 7 continents, defining an ocean as a large body of water, naming at least two of the major oceans, and understanding that the Earth has more water than land. We will also introduce the compass rose, it’s purpose, and the different directions.
Workshop: This week, I will use the workshop time to assess students individually. While I’m doing so, students will get to participate in free-choice center time.

Please read over the welcome packet sent home today. Don’t hesitate to e-mail me if you have any questions. Don’t forget to fill out surveys and any included permission forms.
School starts daily at 8:35. Breakfast is served from 8:00-8:20.
Please check your child’s homework folder nightly. Please sign any homework so I know that you’ve had a chance to look it over. If your child has any problems completing the work, please indicate this with a note.
We will start baggy books next week!

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